Yeah, I went old school with the name, that's just how I roll. :)
But this post is about the Dark Knight Detective: Batman & how I've become burnt out on reading about him.
Going back a years or two, I started to read more Batman related titles, starting off with the whole "Battle for the Cowl" stuff which I sort of found pointless. Everyone knew that Dick Grayson was going to become the new Batman we didn't need the mini-series. We didn't need the tie-in books even thought I did like a number of them. I think the story could have been a 2, 3 part story line in one of the Bat Books. Then once BFTC was over a whole bunch of Bat Books were launched, I've read a number of them.
So, here we are again: more mini series. "Bruce Wayne: The Return" was good but kind of slow. "The Road Home" mini-series was pointless. It was put out out of order (Part 2 came out a week before Part 1 did.) I thought most of the stuff said in those books could have been down in the characters' own books. Sure, some of them don't have books so put out a one-shot book. Now with Bruce Wayne back (How exactly? I don't know, the story that told of his return isn't finished yet) & there will now be the "Batman Inc." stuff with a bunch more Bat Books coming out. Will I buy them? Not really. I might buy 1 or 2 of the half dozen that are on their way. I'm most likely give the new books I once over at the store & might wait to see what happens in the books. I've thinking of dropping some of the Bat Books I already read.
This a feeling not just for Bat Books, I'm thinking at the new year dropping some of the books I buy. Most for the reason they don't interest me anymore. Also, I need to cut back on my spending.
I'm just kind of burnt out. I don't want to feel like I need to buy 8 books to just to know the whole darn story line. I should be able to get the full story in the one book I read & if I read the other books it should enhance what I have already read, not make me feel like I missed something since I haven't been reading a book.
I was getting burnt out on the Superman books after all "World of New Krypton" stuff but the books have now split off & I don't fell I need to read everything. I doubt the Bat Books will be doing that any time soon.
We'll see how it'll go over the next couple of months.
Until next time: Stay Jazzy everybody!
- Brian
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