Friday, May 16, 2008

This is Entry 37: Emerald City 2008, Part 2

I got most of the photos' my Dad did for the Con & these are 2 that I think good enough to post. There are few photos' that have some blurriness & there are a lot of my backside (i.e. my dad was standing behind me, not pictures of my butt).

The first pic is what I call the "First day of school" pic, it's me in front of my house all ready to go to the Con:


Special things of note: I'm wearing my Justice League: New Frontiers t-shirt that I got on Free Comic Book Day & I also have my Comic Book Bag that my Sister made for me. She didn't make the bag but she did make the graphic on it. It's says "Brian's Comic Book Bag" & there is a drawing of me by her (My arm is covering that so you can't see it all that well in the photo), she did her interpretation of Bat-Mite (it's the graphic right next to the word Comic). The dot of the "i" is a random drawing she did. There are a few other personal things on that I'm not sure I can describe all that well so I won't.

The second photo is of me & [b]Jeff Parker[/b]:


This is the best of of the handful my Dad took, there is no blurriness & Jeff Parker doesn't look scared. Yeah, I have picture where I'm take some book out of my bag for him to sign & he looks like I'm about to pull a gun on him or something.

So, that's it for Pictures right now. I may be back to later today with reviews of comics I got at the Con. Why later today? Well, I'm leaving for almost 2 weeks starting on Sunday & I don't want to have these comics hang over my head.

So, see you then & I can see you! :)

Stay Jazzy!


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