Friday, August 17, 2007

This is Entry 5: Podcasting the Blog!

Here are few Podcasts that I enjoy thought I'd share with you. 2 are video, 2 are about Comic Books, 2 feature Woman prodomently. But I will only be telling you about 3 Podcasts. I get most of podcast via iTunes & all of these are where no money is exchanged for these (i.e. they are free).


An audio podcast about a visual medium: Around Comics. According to their site (, their podcasts are a "comic book roundtable [with a] revolving panel of guests discussing current comics, artists, writers, industry news, reviews and interviews." I find they quite informative & funny. The "roundtable" as they call is bunch of guys who gather together in a local Chicago Comic Book store (Dark Tower Comics) on Mondays & Thursdays where they discuss things "in & Around Comics" (hense the name). In most of the episodes I've heard they have at least one person from the Industry there. They also do special episodes from time to, I really the "Comics 101" episodes (where they take a topics devote the entire episode & give you all you'd need to know about the topic). You can get their podcasts either from their site or from iTunes.

A Hot Chick with Comics: Fresh Ink. According to iTunes,"When it comes to Comics, get the podcast that really delivers. Host Blair Butler finds out what rocks and what needs to be recycled in the world of graphic novels, superhero news, and geek culture. This is podcasted version of a segment of the G4 Network's Program Attack the Show with their Comic Book Goddess Blair Butler. What could be better then a hot girl talking about Comics? Well, World Peace, Cure to all know disease, a life time supply of Carwax. Well, made this podcast is better then that last one. But, I digress. You can see her reviews on air, get them via iTunes & sometimes they are even on G4's site ( She also does other reporting from the network which are sometimes podcasted/put on G4's site.

To find either of these Podcasts, go to the iTunes store, click on the "Podcast" to the left, once you at the Pocast pages go to the bottom right hand corner under the "Topics in Focus" rectangle, click on "Comic Culture", that page page has 20 Comic book related Podcasts. I just highlighted 2 I like.

Lastly, a non Comics related Podcast: WebbAlert. It's a 5 minute (plus 1 ad) run down of Tech news that host, Morgan Webb, has found & thought was worth reporting on. She does it Monday thru Thursday (unless she traveling for her job that pays the bills). It's a bit odd that it's mostly a close up of just her head, I wouldn't mind if they zoomed out a bit (maybe to her shoulders). She has site devoted to the Podcast ( but I've been having problems getitng the site to load & iTunes is being annoying because it won't download the podcast to my computer. But, some people are uploading alot of the episodes to YouTube.


If I come upon other Podcasts I like, I tell you about it.


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