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As I've made mention there is a movie theater near my house. They get the movies for their theater as they are exiting most of the big chain theaters. They also don't charge you an arm & leg to see the movie. Every movie is a flat rate of 3 dollars.
Out of the 4 comic book movie adaptation I've seen this may well be the best of the bunch. Green Lantern could have been so much more but was enough for Hollywood to make a sequel (Yes, there is going to be a GL sequel. Let's hope it better then the one we got). Thor was a good film. It was a fun romp of film.
Cap has some in common with the last movie I saw X-Men First Class. Both are period pieces (X-Men is set in the '60's & Cap set in the '40's mostly). I feel that Cap's setting was better & made me feel like it was the 1940's. It contributed to the film. Where as X-Men's 1960's setting was secondary & if you change a few things it could have easily been set in present day.
I think out of all the Marvel films I've seen this has the best transition. You actually get the costume from the comics in this movie, his original shield & how they are used work to further the story. His "improvised" costume was reminiscent of the World War II era costume worn by Captain America in Marvel's own Ultimate line of comics. It's yet another visual taken from that line of comics (Nick Fury's look being the biggest so far & from the looks of it Hawkeye's costume in the upcoming Avengers looks a bit like his Ultimate counterpart).
We got some awesome stuff from the comics: The Cosmic Cube, Arnim Zola (before changed his look), The Howling Commandos & probably the most awesome cameo I've seen. It may only be second to Wolverine's cameo in First Class. The cameo is one if you blink you'll miss him & you might miss him if you don't read comics. The cameo was by the original Human Torch. A truly geeky moment for me.
What else should I say about the movie other then it was awesome? It's got a good story, casted well (Tommy Lee Jones is just awesome), there is some nice action. Felt very comic booky in a good way.
Going into this movie I wasn't sure I'd see James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes in the movie. The way he's in the comics might not exactly work in the movie but there he was & was used well. They even managed to work in some of his comic book storyline. Cap failed to save him but that doesn't mean he couldn't be back for the Avengers film if you know anything about how's been used in the comics in the last decade.
I thought the inclusion of Howard Stark, father of Tony "Iron Man" Stark was a nice addition. He's not normally part of the Captain America origin story but it shows that yes these movie all exist in the same universe & characters can meet (see next year's The Avengers for more of this).
Regarding the origin story: it's pretty much the one of the comics just slightly altered to fit the movie. There is nothing there is to drastically different from the comic book. All the event from the comic happen, just a bit differently & that's ok. The major parts are there.
So... yeah. That's my feelings towards the movie. I saw it with my parents & they seemed to like it. My sister had seen it a weeks ago & liked it. So, not only is approved by me but it's approved by my whole family!
I give Captain America: The First Avenger 3 circular shields out of 5.
Until next time: Stay Jazzy everybody!
- Brian
Hey, Brian!
I thought "Captain America" had a TERRIFIC first half-hour to forty-five minutes, but then kind of petered out. (I loved the cheesy song-and-dance number they had Cap doing to boost patriotic feeling at home; giggled all the way through that scene!) And I *adored* "X-Men: First Class," so your contention that "Captain America" was the better of the two movies did not ring true for me, but what you say about how both movies used, or didn't use, their period setting made a lot of sense. I did feel that, good as "X-Men" was, it could've been AWESOME if it had picked up on the building civil rights movement and the obvious thematic tie-in there.
Hey Lindsay!
Yeah. It did sort of peter out near the end. Even thought I didn't mention it in my post, I also really liked the song & dance number they did with Cap. It was an inspired sequence.
I agree with you on that it would have be awesome if they had picked up on the growing civil rights movement. If that was there my feelings to towards First Class would be higher.
Also, thanks for replying!
So, I finally saw Captain America. It was great. It reminded me of Sky Captian and the World of Tomorrow, but more real and much less silly.
You mentioned the human torch's cameo. When was that? I want to catch it.
I also loved all on the allusion to the looks of the red skull before we ever saw his real face. It was very well done.
And a quick thing about first class. I really enjoyed the film, a bit more angry violent than I expected, but very entertaining. I think that if they had done more with the civil rights movement, it would have felt more of a period piece to me. As it was, something about it made it hard to the in to the x-men timeline for me.
I loved wolverine's Cameo. It was hilarious.
Also, I recently rewatched the Fantastic Four and the Fantastic Four 2 for the first time. I enjoyed them for he most part. I always thought the silver surfer was awesome, but didn't know his back story, so that was cool. And I was soooooo stoked to see Galactus and maybe an epic fight or something, but ended up disappointed.
First off: most everyone was disappointed with the Galactus we got in Fantastic Four sequel. Hopefully if they reboot the team for a new movie (which I hear might happen) we'll get a proper appearance by the devourer of worlds.
Secondly, you bringing up that you find it hard for First Class to be in the timeline with the other 3 X-men movies: you aren't the only one with that feelings. Many people have pointed out that 1st Class doesn't quite mesh with the timeline set up in the other movies. And yes, the movie would have been better/a better period piece if we did get some Civil rights stuff in the movie since if you read any of the 1960's X-Men comics there are civil rights overtones to the books. It seemed like a shame to ignore all that. And yes, Wolverine's cameo was hilarious.
But getting to the topic at hand: Captain America. Yes, I can see how the connection between Captain America & Sky Captain could be made. They are of similar eras & share some of the same themes.
The Torch's cameo is at the Fair, He's in the background but you do get a good look at him.
I liked how they managed to fit to get all the allusions to the comics in comics, some obvious then others.
Thanks for replying!
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