Well, It's yet another post where I shall ramble on about comics. I've a bunch of Marvel, some DC & a trade paperback of a comic that recently got turned into a TV show.
So, Let's work out way down....
First up Marvel!
Pick up Captain Britain and MI13 & The Invincible Iron Man: both good books but I don't have much beyond what I've already said about them. Well, in Issue 2 of TIIM we see The Philippines' own super hero team: The Triumph Division for a few page so It's nice to see that their are other super team around the world & in CBaMI13 we see a cool punk version of Tinkerbelle. I would not want to mess with her!
Moving on...
I'm not sure why I still read New Exiles I just don't like the book all that much anymore. I guess the main reason why I still read it is I have a subscription to it & it's sent to my house. I'm just not feeling Mr. Claremont's work on the book. The art the last few issues has been wonky but the current issue (#7) has alright art by Tom Grumment. One think I dislike about the book is Sage's costume (could be be any uglier? Well, yes but...). I'm really waiting around for answers on 3 people: Cat Pryde, Mystiq & Rogue. If I don't see some answers soon and/or the story doesn't get better I'm thinking of dropping the book when I get a "you need to give us more money" notice from Marvel.
So, Marvel was hyping the second issue of Guardian of The Galaxy that there was a person frozen in Ice (if you read the story it's frozen time) & they had a shield, a very special shield. It's Captain Americas'. So, Marvel makes it seem like "Hey! Cap might be joining the Team! Wa-Hoo!" I didn't believe it since I knew a bit about the old GotG & they had a guy who carried Cap's shield but wasn't Cap. So, that's who I thought it was. And guess what? I was right!
This is a first here at MyBlog/Stuff by Brian: I'm going to talk about a Wolverine book! It's issue 66 & the first part of the "Old Man Logan" storyline. So here is how the back cover hypes the book:
50 years ago, Wolverine Died
In his place stands an old man called Logan - a man concerned only with his family's well-being. A man pushed to the brink by the Hulk Gang. A man forced to make a desperate decision. MARK MILLAR and STEVE MCNIVEN, the creative team of the best-selling CIVIL WAR, tell a tale of Logan's last, brutal journey across a country gone mad!
Well, then. It's the Future & Logan lives with his family (His wife vaguely looks like Jean Grey) on a small farm in Sacramento, California which looks like the middle of nowhere in the future. it's pretty much a barren wasteland for miles around. The west coast of The U.S. is now called Hulkland and according to a cool map in the book it was formerly The Abomination's Territory (Now they don't say which Abomination it was the original one or the new one). The Hulk that was mentioned in the blurb are the grand-kids of Bruce Banner & they fly around in a old Fantasti-Car. They are their to collect the rent on Logan's farm, he doesn't have the money so he gets bet up since he got no rage. So to get money I agrees to help the now blind Hawkeye of a mission, a delivery job.
Now I step out of the story for one moment: why is Hawkeye always blind in the future? I know of at least 3 to 4 stories where he's blind! I know you need eyesight be able to shot Arrows but come up with something that hasn't been used before!
Getting back to the story, Hawkeye's mission is drive cross country across the 4 main kingdom & 2 unnamed kingdoms to the east coast (which is labeled "The President's Quarter". How are they going to make the journey? In the Spider-Buggy! Well, they call it the "Spider-Mobile" & it looks more like a Hummer or a Jeep then a Buggy but it's got that similar look.
So, it should be interesting to see what they see & how they meet on this journey. Also this storyline, according to Millar & Marvel ties in with Millar's run The Fantastic Four & the 1985 mini-series Millar is doing. How they connect to each other is currently unknown but apparently they will somehow which should be interesting since they all don't take place in the same time (1985= the Past, FF= The Present, Wolverine=The Future).
2 Jeff Parker related books:
- Marvel Adventures: The Avengers #25: The Avengers go up against Arnim Zola! Now the company Zola is/was running would be cool if it existed but is highly illegal/unethical. But it's still a cool idea!
- Secret Invasion: Who do you Trust?, it's a one-shot with stories that tie-in into the main event. There are 5 stories in the book, the only good one was the one by Parker & it's The Agents of Atlas doing there thing. The other stories are of Captain Marvel, Marvel Boy, Agent Brand & one with Wonder Man & Beast. Now I may have found these a bit boring since I'm not actually reading Secret Invasion so...yeah.
Last new book: GeNext #2, it the next generation of X-Men some time of in the future! The story features some sketches by Pavel Rasputin (son of Pitor Rasputin a.k.a. Colossus). I found one miss labeled. Can you see why?

Don't see it? Well, it's states that Beast's real name is Henry Pym. Now I don't know what happened between now & then but I thought Henry Pym was Ant-Man/Giant-Man/Goliath/Yellow jacket & Beast was Henry McCoy. :) I wonder if I'd get a No-Prize for pointing that out?
I bought a back-issuse, It's The Incredible Hulk #251 & the story title is "What Ever Happened to the 3-D Man?" , it's does a good good recapping his origin & there is some action but I now want to find Issue 252 in part to the side story from the issue Rick Jones, Doc Samson & few others are at Thunderbolt Ross' cabin & they find a dead centaur. So, you know who shows up Woodgod & his fellow Changelings!
Also in that issue was this cool ad:

The art is by Dave Cockrum.
Oh, in case your wonder what ever did happen to 3-D Man? Well, he retired, got married & had kids.
Now on to DC
Issue 14 of Brave and the Bold starts up the new story line & the 2 heroes in this issue are Deadman & Green Arrow. The art is by Scott Kolins & I will say this: Kolins draws a creepy looking Deadman:

Well, I picked up Issue 4 of DC Super Friends to see if it was as whacked out as Issue 3. Well, it wasn't. It had some stunted dialogue. So, Batman & Superman get hit by a giant Pie & here is the interchange among the Super Friends that followed:
Wonder Woman: Flash! Laughing at other people is not funny!
Flash: I know. S-Sorry guys. It's just... a Pie! What a Bizarre accident...
Batman: This was No accident.
Superman: No?
Batman: No. A real bakery sign wouldn't contain cream and pie filling. And it wouldn't have radio-controlled rockets to push it over the edge of the roof!
Green Lantern: A remote-controlled Pie? Who in their right mind would build a remote-controlled Pie?
What?!? I know it's a kids book but that just seemed like they were talking down to them. So, to spoil it for you: The Joker would. He forms a league of similar villains: Himself, Harley Quinn, The Prankster, The Trickster, Punch & Jewelee. I know who everyone else belongs to (Batman, Superman & The Flash respectively) but I don't know who Punch & Jewelee are. I've seen them a few times as guest villains but beyond that they are mystery to me.
The activity for this issue is to make your own Bat-Copter:

That's no Bat-Copter, that's the WhirliBat (or at least that's what it's called according to John Byrne)! I think that is the coolest piece of Bat-Transportation right up their with the 1940's Bat-Mobile!
Action Comic #866, it's the first part of the "Brainiac" storyline but in the middle is a short interlude to set of the new status quo over at the Daily Planet. I present to you Cat Grant & Clark Kent in "Sexual Innuendo":

It seemed an odd place in the book, since before this scene It deals with The shrinking of Kandor & after this deals with Superman fighting one of Brainiac's robots. I look forward to seeing where this goes, The Brainiac storyline not Cat Grant hitting on Clark. But hey, if they want to do that I won't mind all that much. :)
Booster Gold #10, one the cover it states "One of these men will *KILL* Blue Beetle... ...And it's *NOT* who you think it is!" Some the men are Supernova, Max Lord, Booster Gold, Despero & Blue Beetle. Well, the people who I thought would kill him did. So, poo on you, Cover Blurb! Next issue we meet the Booster Gold from the 853rd century. Yeah, we'll be revisiting the DC 1 Million event. This is the first time were haven't revisited an event (Zero Hour was revisited a few issues back & so was Countdown to Infinite Crisis). Also, in this issue we found out why Booster's Dad had turned evil!
Now on to Comic Book/TV ramblings.
On Monday I said I would be checking out 2 shows, I only did one: The Middle Man! My verdict: I'd continue to watch it! So would my parents & they don't even read comics! So as I was out at one of my local comic book stores (Zanadu) & found the first 4 issues of the series the Tv show was based off of in trade paperback form. Well, the the first 4 issues is the pilot episode. It was interesting to see what was altered/added/rewritten between Book & Show. It had some good art but you don't have to search out the book but watch the show it was good fun.
As for the other show, I did not see Rose Tyler get all sexy sexy. But if I do, I'll tell you about it!
So, that's it for this time. As always: Stay Jazzy!
1 comment:
good, i just added a lot of another emo backgrounds 2 my blog
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