I think that I'm going to be doing more & more of these 2 weeks of Comics in 1 post round-up posts what with the schedule I've been keeping with these post. I've got most of my comics from last week (except for Marvel Point One which got it's own post) & all of the comics I picked up this week.
Let's start off with the lone Marvel comic I picked up this week & the 2nd/3rd time I've talked about this month: Avengers Academy #22:
Not only does it get the "Shattered Heroes" banner (Still not sure what that means, not one here seems "shattered" other then Jocasta) but it also gets the "Regenesis" banner at the bottom of the cover because every book that has the X-Men in it for the next few months is getting that. So... yeah. The X-Men are in this issue or at least Magneto, Cyclops & Emma Frost are in the book. I liked this issue & the appearance of the X-Trio didn't seem likely a meaningless cameo just because the Academy has not moved to California. There was some really nice scenes between Magneto & Quicksilver. Also, some nice scenes between Hawkeye (who has changed costumes in between issues for some reason) & Hank Pym regarding the X-Men (or at least regarding Magneto & Emma Frost). Again as I said last time regarding this book: another good issue. One of the better Marvel book I read.
On to the DC books & there are a lot of them.
Red Hood and the Outlaws #3: First off I like the cover. Now what is shown on the cover (The group fighting their past selves) doesn't happen but we do get to see a flashback to a time in each of the group's past which I thought was cool. I liked the flashbacks for Roy Harper (Arsenal) & Jason Todd (Red Hood) better then the one for Starfire. They were all good but felt the flashbacks for the guys were more interesting. I was also nice seeing what Jason looked like when he was Robin.
Suicide Squad #3: 1 thing about the cover. Harley's Boobs: they are bigger then her head! What the What? Moving on to the book it's self as seen on the cover, Mad Dog is back!
![]() |
Cover to Issue #1 of the mini-series. |
Who? yeah. Mad Dog is a minor DC character who got a 4 issue mini series way back in the 80's & I don't think had been seen since. How he is seen on the cover is not how he was seen in the 80's. I will say this about redesign. I sort of miss the Hockey Jersey & the laughing dog. But they kept the look of a hockey mask for his present day mask. Something not seen on the cover but he has a necklace which has the design of the target symbol on it. (The target looked like the "O" from the old mini series' logo). I don't well see much more from Mad Dog given what I think happened to him at the end of the issue but he might be. I'm not sure.
But how was the comic? Getting better issue by issue. My 1 real complaint about there being more then 1 artist per issue seems to be solved. There was some great moments in the book (They should do more with King Shark, he was great in this issue). There was some great banter between the Squad members. If the banter in Suicide Squad became a bit more like the banter Red Hood and the Outlaws that would be cool. Also, at the end of the issue we got a new Squad member: Captain Boomerang! 1 person we haven't really seen much since issue 1 is Amanda Waller. We've heard her a few times but not seen her much.
Demon Knights #3: Kind of of an off issue for me. It's not that it was bad. Just more of the same from Issue #2 which was good. Nothing truly new, still a good book.
DC Universe Presents: Deadman #3: We are half way through Deadman's story. DCU Presents is an anthology book with a rotating cast of characters (I think I read that The Challengers of the Fantastic will be the next story in the book). EDIT: As pointed out to me Jay Boaz, It's Challengers of the Unknown not the Challengers of the Fantastic. How was Part 3 of the Deadman's story? Good. The story has nicely clipped along. Each issue has introduced some interesting ideas or characters. Some which I'd like to see elsewhere but am not sure I will. A good story but not much else to say.
Mister Terrific #3: We have the conclusion to Mr. T's fight with Brainstorm which was good. Much like with Deadman: a good story but not much else to say beyond that.
Batgirl #: *sigh*. I didn't see much point of this book existing. They spend much of the issue with Batgirl hanging out with Nightwing which could be a interesting idea for an issue. It wasn't. They don't do much. Almost nothing really (they spend a few pages talking about how they were both trained by Batman. Really???!!! I did not know that! Please, waste a few more pages talking about that). I know writer Gail Simone can do better then this! I'm seriously thinking about stopping reading this book.
Speaking of books I'm thinking of no longer reading....
Catwoman #3: Before we talk about the book (which there isn't much to talk about) let's talk about the cover. Actually more 1 thing on the cover: The Bat. You can't really read it at the size I have it at but on the the Bat is the logo "Gotham Bats" which I guess is a local sports team (Really Gotham City? Does Metropolis have a team named the Metropolis Supers? Is there also the Central City Flashes?). But just that Artist Guillem March put that on the bat is kind a groin worthy moment (Not as much as Nova's "Epic Fail" comment from last week but I still groined a bit after looking at the bat).
What about the book it's self? meh. Not really bad, not really good. Just kind of there. I know writer Judd Winick can do better. He's done better stories & better Catwoman stories in the past. The art is nice but I'm seriously stopping reading this book which mean the only books I'd be reading for DC that have female main characters would be Red Hood and the Outlaws (with Starfire) & Suicide Squad (with Harley Quinn) & they aren't the best female characters DC has now are they? :)
Nightwing #3: That is an awesome cover!
I want to show you a panel from the comic:
It's probably my favorite panel from the issue. The art by Eddy Barrows is really nice through the whole book & from the past 2 issues also.
So.... what about the story? It was also pretty darn cool. Good book: Good Art & a Good Story. A book I will continue to read.
I have a short list of books that I am thinking of stopping reading (both DC & Marvel) they have until January to be better or I stop buying them.
Also, the next round up post might not becoming all that quickly. Next weeks comic will be out later then normal due to the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday screwing with shipping. That means I'll get the comics later which means I'll be talking about them later then normal. That will also happen in December due to Christmas screwing with shipping.
1 more thing: My Life in a Longbox is on Facebook so like me & get updates about the blog on your wall! :)
Until next time: Stay Jazzy everybody!
- Brian
Did you mean Challengers of the Unknown? Challengers of the Fantastic was the amalgam with the Fantastic Four. :-)
Yeah. I do mean that.
But any new Amalgam material would be awesome :)
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