In Entry 150, I posted the first entry in a new segment for the Blog: Random Photos & this entry to tell you about another new segment for the blog. It's going to be called Really Cool Old Ads!
What will it involve? Well... really cool old ads. :) Now these ads will be culled from comic book collection which spans about 50 years of comics (from the 1960's to the present). Most of the the ads that I think are really cool & old come from the comics of the '60's, '70's, '80's & the early to mid '90's. Past that time the ad's become more generic (ads you could see in any magazine) & are a little too current. But if there are current ads I think that are worth mentioning (like the Wonder Woman ads) I'd put them up (but probably not as part of RCOA).
Over the last couple of days I've been going over some of my old comics & looking for ad's I want to share with you all. I've got a nice pile (well, 2 piles) of comics. A number of comics had multiple cool ads in them. I'm not even a chunk of the way through my collection & I've only been looking at some DC Comics. I haven't started in on any Marvel books.
How I'll post them is with the Ad & the year is came from. If I think what comic book it came is important/interesting I'll say that too. Most like I'll some comments about what makes the Ad is Really Cool. Why it's old should be evident. :)
To start us off, I present to you all an Ad I already have scanned in & I like to call it Land Ship:
I scanned this ad in awhile so I don't exactly remember what year it is from. I think it is from the 1960's & I think it was from a DC comic. I like this ad for one phrase "Land Ship". It just so odd. Why would you call a Library that? In the 1960's it may have been ok for young boys to wonder the harbor without a parent or guardian & then go to the Library with grizzled old sea captains but today in 2010 it might be slightly suspect. His land ship might have been a windowless van! :) In the1960's it might of also been ok to smoke in a public library.
Also looking at this I realized my scan is a bit small & kind of hard to read: I think i'll find Land Ship again, scan & post a larger copy later. It deserves to be read in all it's glory!
It's another installment of Brian on the Aisle! Well, not really. It's more of I have some more thoughts about the last movie I saw: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World & I didn't feel like editing the last post.
Over the last couple of days I've been thinking about the film. The "review" I was posted was very shortly after seeing it, like a half hour after seeing said film. Over the weekend I've been thinking about it further. After the initial "Man, that's was awesome!" has worn off I thought more about what did I actually see. Now I will say this the film is still good & worth seeing. There is some wonderful visuals, some good music & a good time still seemed to be had by all! But, thinking about the movie a lot of things just seem to happen & their isn't much depth to it. You don't really get to know anyone in the film. Your given enough to make them seem like real people but you don't get much:
"Who's that?"
"Oh, That's Kim. She & Scott use to date. They went high School together. She is the drummer in Sex Bob-ombs with Scott"
"Ok. How did they break up? Is she dating anyone currently?"
It's like that with most of the characters. You get a few short sentences with minor details of who the person in relation to someone else (most often the people being Scott Pilgrim or Ramona Flowers). Now this might just be the Movie & their might be more info in the books (which I have not read) about the characters but this a Movie review & I'm basing my comments solely on the Movie I saw. Characters come in, have their scene(s) & then leave. The movie doesn't really even go into why the League of Evil Ex's are even evil. Where they always evil or did they become evil after their break up with Ramona? If that's true, then doesn't that make Ramona evil herself?
Maybe I've just been thinking about this movie to much. I did enjoy seeing it. I didn't get all the reference, a number of the Video Game ones probably went right over my head. And I still stand by rating but it might be a lower 4 then it was originally. It's still a high 4 but probably not as high as it was last friday night/early saturday morning.
It's another installment of Brian on the Aisle! This time I went to see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.
Leading up to this movie coming out everything I saw about about this movie made me want to see it more. Now this could either lead up to an awesome movie or a really crappy movie who shows all the good parts before you get in the theater. Scott Pilgrim is the former.
Confession time: I haven't really read the books the movie is based off of. I read the first book, a friend had it. It was good but I didn't really feel the need to read the rest of the books. Not sure I will. Maybe if they putt all the 6 books together in one big book? A Scott Pilgrim Omnibus! In Color!
But getting back to the movie: It was Awesome. Dare I say Pretty Super Cool Awesome? Yes, I shall: It was Pretty Super Cool Awesome! I'm not sure how to explain the movie it's like if a Video Game, a Music Video & Movie all had a threesome which lead to the birth of this movie, This awesome, awesome movie baby. There is so much to see in the movie & I doubt I caught all there is to see. This a movie definitely worth a second viewing. Possibly a third or a fourth. I hardily look forward to seeing what's going to be on the DVD (hopefully some of the stuff from the website).
I liked that there wasn't all that many "Big Name" people in the movie. Sure, Michael Sera (who plays Scott Pilgrim) is a Big Name but your main character should be a Big Name person. But most of the rest of the principal cast are mostly all known some how but aren't truly those Big Name people. Everyone did a superb job in roles. No one I thought was miscast in their role.
A great film. Wonderful visuals. Some good music. A good time seemed to be had by all!
So, what do I give this film: 4 Power Ups... out of Five!
- Favorite comment heard pre-movie: "Why did you text me at 9:30 in the morning? It's summer, no one is up that early!"
- M. Night Shyamalan has a new movie coming out. When he name came on screen during the trailer laughter broke out in the theater. After it died down a voice was heard saying "Hey, Give it chance." which caused more laughter. Then some commented we should remember what he did to Avatar, a reference to the Last Airbender movie. As for the rest of the trailer no one really caught my eye as "I got to go see this movie!"
- In other news before the Movie: I had Sushi! And it was served on a conveyor belt!
Today, 3 years ago I started this Blog! Woot to that!
It is also the 219th day of the year (or 220th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 146 days remaining until the end of the year. It's also considered to be halfway through its summer (Or halfway through the winter if you live south of the equator). Also, Last year at this time I had made 101 posts which means at my current rate of posts I should have over 200 posts by next year's birthday. :)
Who was born today:
1987: Hollis Leroy Crapo, my friend.
1975: Charlize Theron, Actress.
1960: David Duchovny, Actor.
1958: Bruce Dickinson, Singer for Iron Maiden.
1955: Greg Nickels, Former Mayor of Seattle.
1955: Wayne Knight, Actor. (Newman!)
1942: B. J. Thomas, Singer.
1942: Garrison Keillor, American writer & radio host [Prairie Home Companion]
1928: Amazing [James] Randi, Skeptic Magician.
1927: Carl Switzer, Actor [Alfalfa].
1926: Stan Freberg, Satirist/Ad Executive/Cartoon Voice.
1886: Louis Hazeltine, Inventor of the neutrodyne circuit which makes radio possible.
1779: Carl Ritter, cofounder of modern science of geography.
1751: Wilhelmina of Prussia, Princess of Orange.
At the other of the spectrum, Who died today:
2009: Mike Seeger, American folk musician, Age: 76.
1997: Vincent Gulliver, Britain's oldest man, Age: 109.
1957: Oliver Hardy, comedian of Laurel and Hardy fame. Age: 65.
1917: Squadron Commander E.H. Dunning, first pilot to land his aircraft on a moving ship. Age: 25.
1033: Frederick II, duke of Upper Lorraine.
For a Birthday present to all you out there: Here is a funny interview Warren "The Ape" Demontague did on G4's Attack of the Show.