I don't get out to the Movie very offen but yesterday I went. There is a theater a few block from where I live. Upside: All films 3 bucks. Downside (sort of): They don't play current films, you have to wait few months for those to come there. But hey, a film in a theater for 3 bucks? Who can beat that!
What I saw was & will review is: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.
I saw the first film & thought it was an ok film but they screwed up one thing (DOOM!). What did they screw up this time? If it was anything it was Galacticus or big menacing space cloud. Now I'm sure most people would have wanted The big G to be a person but I can kind of see the thinking behind the cloud thing (I'm not as angry as I was with them screwing up ol' Doc Doom). Speaking of Vic: They partly redeemed themselves with his appearance in this film. He was closer to his comic book roots in this film (I was kind of happy). The more Marvel Films I see they more they start to look the same. The "Black Forest, Germany" looked alot like where Stryker's compound was from X2 or where The Brotherhood camped out in X3. The government facility used looked alot like Strykers' place, too. I'd I'll let it slide. I liked what they did with The Surfer, he got some respect & seemed close to his comic book roots (not like big G). I wouldn't mind seeing him again (seeing what played during the closing credits: I might). Also, what was with Jessica Alba? Something just looked off about her. I'm not sure what it was.
What FF3 should be (because I'm almost sure there will be one)? The team goes to the Negative Zone. I doubt that will happen but it would be cool if it did.
So, for Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer I give it 3 cosmically irradiated stars out of 5. It wasn't the greatest film ever but wasn't the worst either. It had some action, some humorous parts. It keep me entertained for the hour & half. But, that's what I went for.
On a related note: The extended edition of the first film is pretty good. The first disc (The disc with the movie) is ok. But the second disc (The one with the extras) are where it really shined. I'd just get it just for that & have an ok movie that comes with it as a bonus.
Thanks, Jim! Until next time.
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