Tuesday, August 7, 2007

This is Entry 1: The Beginning!

Welcome to this little corner of the Blog O' Sphere.

I've thought about creating a Blog from sometime [like a few weeks]. I don't really have anything truly earth shattering to share with y'all. But, I've got some stuff that I might like to share with you so hense this Blog entitled: MyBlog

What will most likely see on this thing we call Blog: My thoughts on stuff. Yeah. I know. Real specific, Brian. What these thoughts will most likely be about are things of no real conscience like TV [which I watch a whole lot of] & Comic Books [which I read a whole lot of]. There might be other things, I don't know. Lay off. This is only my first post.



Scott Bryan said...

Hey! You joined blogger!

Well hello and I'll need to add your blog to my links.

Anonymous said...

Which came first? chicken or the egg