Thursday, March 6, 2014

Age of Uh.. Recap

In the first five issues of Age of Ultron….

They establish the hell out of this age by showing us how really crappy yet nicely rendered it is for a few pages. Hawkeye goes all commando to go save Spider-Man from like the only super viilains well see for the entire series. We get a fight scene before a pack of Ultron bots come on down & destroy the villain brownstone by Care Bear Staring it to pieces. Hawkeye & Spidey make there way over to 1 of 2 downed SHEILD Hellicarriers to where the remaining 2 dozen or so NYC based heroes are just chilling. Hawkeye & Spidey might of have gotten cancer by being scanned by Tony Stark (Skeletons are not made to glow through your skin). We see a sad Captain America mopping about. 

Black Widow & Moon Knight are just hanging out, hanging out in San Francisco in one of Nick Fury's bunkers. San Fran has a ton more dead bodies littered about then NYC does. The Tagline for the series is mentioned for maybe the only time. Back in NYC, Spidey has story time & tells of how the age all stated out. Well… no… Spidey slept through the beginning (He didn't even show up late with coffee!). He told of the end of the beginning & even that wasn't much. Cap does stand up, stops being mopey & says something heroic.

There now 3 pockets of heroes around the country: NYC, Chicago & San Fran (screw you, southern states!). The Non-New York pockets do a bunch more then stuff but are smaller in number (must be because the lack of Hellicarrier to hang out in). After many, many, many, pages of talking the NYC heroes do something. Luke Cage takes a playing dead She-Hulk to the Ultron Bots to find what's going on! We find that Ultron isn't behind this all but the upper torso, arms & head of The Vision is! But that is wrong! Ultron is still behind this all but is controlling Vision like a puppet from THE FUTURE!  We see Luke Cage being a B.A.M.F. but he sadly dies off panel. The pocket of heroes are coming together by making their way down to the Savage Land in the Antarctic. This journey is told to us by way of a text box that took up an entire page.

In Issue 5, we get a flashback with some foreshadowing. In the Savage Land, the heroes meet up with Ka-Zar & head off to another Nick Fury bunker where they meet up with the super spy to discuss what to do about a problem like Ultron. There is some more talk which makes he continue to wonder how in the heck Ultron conquered the entire country. 

There are a few plans thrown out & a bunch of pages of talking happen. There are 2 main plans on the table: 1. use a time machine to go back in time cut of Hank Pym's hands so he go about creating Ultron in they first plan (this plan was suggested by Wolverine) & 2. go to THE VAGUELY DEFINED FUTURE to find Ultron to fight him on his home turf. Plan 1 is turned down & half of the heroes all gear up & head on off THE FUTURE!  One of the heroes left behind is Wolverine & asks if anyone left there knowhow to work the time machine because he wants to try out his plan.

And that was the first half of the Age of Ultron. What does the later half in store us? Wolverine royally  screws over all of time & space by thinking with his claws. There is also the actually interesting yet sadly under developed part of the series. Plus, Tie-in Issues! Some were good, some were ok & some were pointless!

come back next time for the tie-in issues for Superior Spider-Man, Fantastic Four & find out how Victor Mancha (of Runways fame) ties into this whole thing.

Until then: Stay Jazzy!

- Brian

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