Sunday, March 7, 2010

This is Entry 134: My First NES!

Now when I was growing up I guess I was bit odd for a couple of reason. But the one I'd like to talk about here is the fact that I didn't play Video Games. I knew about them, played a few at friend's houses, read some of the Nintendo Comics (still have them) but I just never really go into the whole Video Game thing. Well, a few days I bought a used Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) at a thrift store. Here's a picture of it set up in my room:

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There it is hooked up to my flat screen TV which is sitting on the VCR I also recently bought. You can also see a part of the Lantern Corps Power Ring set I have.

This among other things will be taking up my free time. I've also thought about doing a few Video Game centric videos for the Blog. Come one, Come all see me fail at getting past the first stage!

Until next time: Stay Jazzy!

- Brian


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