Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This is Entry 53: Getting political!

It's been a month & day since I last updated this here ol' blog but I thought today was important. Today I voted & got a sticker for doing so! :)

Now my process isn't all that great: I don't follow politics all that much. I could could really care less who's doing what at the moment. So, when I'm standing there with a my supplied Bic pen in hand I go for a few things:

- My # 1 is I'll vot for you if I know who you are. If I don't know anyone in the race, I go with a name I like. I know it's stupid but sometimes it's better some other ways of choosing out there.

- I guess 2 is I don't think you screwed up. Now you might have but I don't follow politics & only hear scattered bits of info so unless it's a major screw up: I'll think your doing fine!

- 3 might be I don't find you annoying/your ads' annoying. I purposely voted no on a initiative on something today because I found them annoying so "No Vote for you!"

As for the Big One (President) I was one of those undecided voters. I watched a few of the Debates, heard bits & pieces of speeches & other stuff but I didn't really know who I truly wanted to vote for. But I was slightly leaning towards one candidate then the other. Yes, I knew there were others running but it was truly a two person race: The old white dude versus the young half black dude.

So, now the votes are happening & it wouldn't be another 2 or 3 years until this all starts up again.

Now so of you how might read this my not like my process but hey: I voted so I can now complain all I want if something goes wrong. That's my main thinking: If you don't vote, you can't complain.

Happy Election & Stay Jazzy, Everybody!


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