Sunday, May 20, 2012

This is Entry 256: Why would I do that?

I was talking with someone today about The Avengers movie & we hit upon the topic of the character introduced at the very end of the movie. They said they didn’t know who that was. I made a comment about reading a book they were in & the reply I got was “Why would I do that?”
I decided to let the conversation move on from there & not answer that question because I didn’t it was the time or place to fully answer that question. I sort of feel that is response you’d get from many people regarding the reading of the comics. The movies make millions of dollars but do the comics themselves see any kickback from that? Not so much.
You can get someone to pay a few dollars to watch a movie? But to get them to actually read the books the movie is based that is a bit harder. I understand this. For example: The Avengers have been around since 1963 & over the years the team has had many, many different members & many different series bare the name of Avengers. It can be hard for a perspective new reader to know where to start. Both in the terms of where to start in that almost 50 years worth of comics but also where to start in the real world: They might not know where their local comic book store is or if there is even one locally.
Also, the comics are not the movies. Many people find this problem. But it’s shouldn’t be a problem. The Movies & Books should not be the same. They have similarities but they should be their own separate things (The movies adapted from the comics). Partly because there are somethings that comics do better then movies & there are somethings that movies do better then comics. Sometimes can’t be done in the movie or just lost in translation from page to screen. I know it can be a bit confusing (Hey! Why is Nick Fury a white guy in these comics?) but if you keep that in mind you it will serve you well.
So, If the movies are going to be a different yet still similar thing why would someone want to read the comics? You could possibly have a more well rounded viewing experience? You can get some of the in-jokes yourself & not have your friends/the internet pointing them out to you? You can help out the industry that inspired the movies you like so much? There are many answers to that question.
People don’t have to go into this blind. There are many people & websites that can help on your way. Some of these people people even work at where they books are sold or if these people are your friends might even loan some books!
To end this post I’ll answer the question “Why would I do that?” with another question “Why wouldn’t you do that?” :)
- Brian


Anonymous said...

I think a really big point of why people should considering reading the comics is they might just turn out to be fun. If you like the characters in the films then there is a chance (admittedly not a certainty)that you may enjoy a long form, sequential story involving those characters and there worlds. Maybe you want have to wait years before enjoying the bombastic adventures and quiet emotional moments you get in the movies. I think the top answer for me (though the ones you listed are no doubt very wise) to 'Why would I do that?' is 'You might like it.'

Also just to point out you have said 'there are somethings comics do better than comics'. Thought I'd let you know :-)

Anonymous said...

Other than that I ought to point out I wholeheartedly agree and this is a very interesting commentary to make on that phenomena. I find myself disheartened that people simply don't want to spend the time of day. There is still a large stigma and set of assumptions that come with comic books.

Anonymous said...

Yes ... the design is clearly needed to be changed :)
What would be brighter , nebudu (

Brian said...

All good points & thanks for commenting!

Also, probably in every entry on this blog there are at least 1 mistake. :)