Friday, August 14, 2009

This is Entry 103: Comics!

I got up this morning & one of the first of couple thoughts was "Man, I've got a review so comics today!" & so I am. :)

These will all be "New" comics: no back issues or Graphic Novels. They'll get their own post. Also, I won't be doing this weeks comics. Why? I want to get all the backlog out of the way so that I start fresh with those comics. Sure, they'll be a week or so old but I think you might get my point. :)


Fantastic Four #567-689: Part 2 through 4 of the "Doom's Master" storyline & the end of the Millar/Hitch run on the book. The the story had some cool parts but ended with a head scratcher. Also, they just shoe horned in the wedding of Ben Grimm at the end of Issue 689. Well.. non wedding. it just seemed like an afterthought to add it there.

Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #4 & 5: Now this was cool & it leaded into the next run on the main FF book. I look forward to it.

Invincible Iron Man #14-16: awesome as always.

Captain America #600 & 601: 600 was an massive issue. I don't know how many pages it had but was a lot. It helps set up some stuff for the future & looks to the past. Lot of cool stuff. 601 was not as cool. The cover claims it's a "very special issue" but I'm not sure why other then Gene Colan did the art.

Captain America Reborn #1 &2: It's been 2 years since Steve Rogers, the original Captain America died & this series brings him back. I was wondering how they'd do it & as still wondering even with what info they have revealed so far.

Avengers: The Initiative #24-26: I still like this series but the art has a bit odd of the last couple of issues. In 26 the art is better & we see that Emery Schuab is back!

The Mighty Avengers #25-26: great book! The art by Stephen Segovia in 25 &26 is a bit odd but still odd. The fight better the MA & FF is awesome. The fight between Hank Pym & Reed Richard made me say to myself "Nerd Fight!". The new HQ is also pretty cool.

Dark Avengers #5-7: Osborn makes the book for me. The rest of the book is pretty good but Osborn is definitely the main reason I pick up this book.

Dark Reign: Young Avengers #2 & 3: This book continues to be awesome! The art by Mark Brooks is cool. The story is cool.

Secret Warriors #6: the espionage in this book is cool. I also really like the art by Stefano Caselli.

Agents of Atlas #6-8: this book is cool. Jeff Parker continues to do cool stuff with this book.

Captain Britain and MI13 #15 & a Annual: This book has now been cancelled from what I've been able to figure out which is sad this book has bene awesome! The Annual brings Captain B's wife back from Hell!

Runaways #10-12: The first part of 10 is awesome, the latter half not so much. I'm also really liking the art by Sara Pichelli.

Wolverine #72: the penultimate chapter in "Old Man Logan" is cool but a bit rushed a felt. I await the the last chapter in that OML one shot.

Guardians of The Galaxy #14-16: since this ties into the "War of Kings" Mini Series which I'm not reading I'm a bit at what is going on in the book but it still good.

Exiles #3-5: To bad this book is getting cancelled because Jeff Parker just seemed to really get started on some cool stuff with the book. :(

Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers #2 & 3: awesome book!

Marvel Pets Handbook: all the pets/animals of the Marvel Universe & there a lot of them are all here together. One pet's story I do want to search out is Kevin. "He" is some moldy cheese owned by Peter Parker.

Encyclopedia Mythologica: a handbook to all the pantheons of Gods in the Marvel Universe.

Uncanny X-Men First Class Giant Size & Uncanny X-Men First Class #1: the "Giant-Size" book was cool. It bridges the gap between the original 5 X-Men (Cyclops, Angel, Iceman, Beast & Jean Grey) & the new class (Banshee, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Storm). I wasn't so hot on the 1st issue of the series.

Wonderful Wizard of Oz #7 & 8: The last 2 issues in the first Oz book. It's cool & I learned some new stuff since this is based off of the Books & not the Movies. The second Oz Book (The Marvelous Land of OZ) is also becoming a Comic book series.

Marvel Divas #1: I had high hopes for this series but I wasn't all that into it. It wasn't just the art (which i didn't really like) but the over all tone/story of the book.

This year Marvel turns 70 so they are putting out retro styled books like that of their original comic book like up, I've talked about at least 2 in the past (Captain America & Human Torch) I've got 3 more: Miss America Comics #1, All Winners #1 & Bucky and Toro In Young Allies Comics #1. They are all #1's but are all one shots, they're will be no #2. MAC was kind of cool, AW had weird art & YAC was the best of the 3. It was done as a flashback within a flashback. I know that might sound weird but it's cool.

That's all for Marvel. I think I shall end it here & do DC next time.

Until then: Stay Jazzy.


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