Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is Entry 70: Con Prologue part 3

In preparation for my multi-part posting of how do a ComiCon right I thought I'd tell my "qualifications" for doing such a thing.

- Started reading Comic Books since 1992.
- In 1998 got more into Comics. The obsession started here.
- Since 2007, am at least one Comic Book store a week.
- Been to 1 major Con (Wizard World: Chicago 2001).
- Been to 1 mid-sized Con 3 times in a row (Emerald City ComiCon 2006-2008).
- Been to various Proto-Cons / "Swap Meets" over the years (Don't understand those terms, come back for Part 1 & I'll tell you).

Come back for Part 1 which I'm calling: Prepping for The Con. Out most likely next Sunday (March 8th).

Until then: Stay Jazzy.


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