Today was the first day of Emerald City ComiCon & the only day I will attending. The ECCC isn't large enough for me to go both days, plus tomorrow is Mother's Day! So this post is the first impression post. Photos & a review of the comics I got are coming but this post is about everything else.
So, we (My Dad was in tow as Photographer/Chaperon/Dad) took the bus to the con it was right on a bus route. We did this to 1. so we didn't have to deal with parking & 2. Buses' Rule! We walked the few blocks to the Convention center, up a few escalators & we there. it was about 10. We went & exchanged our ticket for a badge that says "SAT" on it. There were other words but SAT was the biggest one. So with the badge we go to the end of the line which wasn't even on the Con's map (It was almost in another building, the line ended on a sky bridge). So we get in & what way to go in: Left, Right or Forward. We headed back to to the Artist area. I had stuff for Jeff Parker to sign (I had him sign the individual issue of Agents of Atlas, a series he did that I really liked. So, this year I had the hardcover & a few of the other appearances of the Team. I went to his listed table but he wasn't there, he was 3 down. He was in the cluster of people from Oregon's Periscope Studios. I found him & just before I walked up, someone came in front of me. They had a short conversation, I waited. After he left, It was just me & Mr. Parker. So, I reached in my personalized bag & got out my stuff for him to sign. He didn't have a pen at the moment but I did (My Mom thought of that: for me to bring a pen). So, we had some chit-chat nothing all that exciting but what is: He not only signed my collected edition of Agents of Atlas but he did a sketch in it, too! For Free & I didn't even ask him to! That truly made my day! I could have left right then & there but I didn't. There was 2 Panels that I wanted to see & I had a list of comics that I wanted to add to my collection (Got a whole lot more that weren't on the list but that always happens). So, I wondered around buying comics & seeing what was there. There were media guest (Only one that seemed kind of cool was Wil Wheaton, you know from Star Trek!). The media was there (i.e. 2 podcasts: iFanboy & Around Comics.)
So I got some of the free stuff. 2 cool things: 1. A promo card for a Heroes card set, the card was of Kristen Bell (Score!) & it had the Con's logo on it. 2. a Women of the DC poster by Adam Hughes.
So I saw 3 panels & went in this order: Dark Horse, DC & Marvel. They were one right after another. The DH was the smallest of the three. I saw sworn to secrecy by Dan Didio himself to not tell anyone what happened at the DC Nation panel but I will say this: Ambush Bug did factor into it. They had 2 free pins but relating to the upcoming Batman R.I.P. event. I was not sworn to any sort of secrecy for Marvels'. Jeff Parker was a panelist. Also there was Robert Kirkman, Ed Brubaker (who's local) & Skottie Young. It was moderated by a woman who's name is Jennifer, Jenna, J something. She had pink hair. (UPDATE: According to Jeff Parker's Blog her name is Jen Grunwald. I knew it started with a J-E-N something!).
It was a real fun panel. All the guys were playing off each other, almost ignoring the questioners all together. During one point they called Brian Michael Bendis, who happened to be in the bathroom at the moment. One news point: According to Jeff, they is a good chance of an Agent of Atlas II. Whoo! So after the laugh riot of a panel, we went back to the show floor. I bough the last few books of the day & left.
We went to McDonalds' for food (I got McNuggets, My Dad got a cheeseburger of some kind, not sure which). Then it was back on the bus to go home. So I came home & decided before launching headlong into the books I'd blog first & that's what I've done.
One last thing: Costumes! I saw 2 Skrulls (They were at the Marvel Panel), Cable, Guy Gardner (with working Lantern), 90's era Rogue & Gambit, Princess Leia, a few Jedi & some Storm Troopers doing security (Seriously!)
So tune in next time for pictures. Then the post after that will be the comics. I don't think I'll do them in one post. So come back for that.
And as always: Stay Jazzy!
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